Monday, January 30, 2006

Competition update: Mrs. B has cleaned her shoes

I know it is not a very pleasant thread, but I must report that Mrs. B brought a long handled brush today and cleaned her hitherto dirty running shoes. Brush handle length about a metre if it had been me. All is back to normal and the porch to our house is now clear of a pair of Nike shoes. I have just ran a reasonably quick 11km (57 mins, Ave HR 146 - actually wondering if it was really 11 km after all) and now about to embark upon making a curry.

Am travelling on business for the next two days so no more updates until I return - unless I take a pic of the curry I make tonight and post it. Sad.

CB not yet finished her homework. But I must now say that she has now moved onto reading books that have "Chapters" so this is a great step forward and she is doing very well.

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