Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Running and Arctic Monkeys

After the interest in my curry making skills (and I tell you they do taste fantastic but I have not yet branched out into takeways) I have now decided to blog my thoughts on why I run. After a 10km last night it began to make a bit more sense. Apart from the aspect of health, running gives me perfect thinking time and I feel as if I have kind of cleared my mind out when I get home. It is not always the case of course, but somehow when you are running things seem to be in more perspective. It is for this reason, the ability to try and think straight and maybe let my mind wander, that I could never dream of running with music in my ears. Aside from the fact that it surely must get uncomfortable once you start to work up a sweat, the idea of noise in my ear while I am running just doesn't do it for me. Running is a little bit of an escape - however cold and wet, you feel better for having done it. And that makes sense to me.

Oh, by the way, check out the new CD from Arctic Monkeys. A real case of successful internet marketing when many of the other artists in the world are moaning about the threat of the internet this band have embraced it. Nice one.

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