Wednesday, January 11, 2006

...followed by a bad evening's training.

Tempting fate eh? So this evening I go for a 10km run and blow my right calf. I am so p****d. I knew that my right calf wasn't totally right, but you tend to run through the odd pain. I massaged my leg before I went out tonight, and within 5 km I knew I was in trouble. The unfortunate point was that I was 5km into a 10km run - so I had to get home again. Thankfully, I had the foresight this afternoon to book up a physio appointment for tomorrow morning at 07:00 (I must have the hardest working physio on the planet). So I'll see what he says. But I reckon that having iced it tonight I am looking at at least a week of rest. Damm. It was all going so well. Short blog as I am not happy.


Anonymous said...

That sounds painful! Tomorrow morning is not going to be fun.

Who is Bedders? A Brit in Holland or a Dutch guy writing in English.

Bedders said...

Hi Laura. A Brit living in Holland having a bad day after seeing his physio this morning!!!! It is not fun you are right! A week without running -thankfully it's not too close to London. But all the same.....