Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's behind you!

No run today after having every intention of going out. I just did not get my act together. So, extra long run tomorrow. I did my long run yesterday so no damage done.

Panto was, well, panto was as expected. Far too long (3 hours), far to much expected of the audience (if you are over 5 years old there are only so many times that you can shout "oh no it's not!) and far to late getting home as I am hungary. However, full marks to the guy who dressed up as a women (Dame Dangle if you must know) and was very good. Do his mates know that once a year he does this? Also, at these pantos am I the only one who has this burning desire to cheer the Bad guy rather than boo and hiss?

KB has just spent some time updating her website - see links right *KT's web*, it's worth going to. And if you do I urge you to click on her new Google Adsense link. I will be charging a commission for this advertising on her behalf so it all helps.

CB is doing her homework.

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