Monday, January 16, 2006

50% of the sponsorship target hit

Early physio appointment tomorrow followed by a two day business trip overseas. Hoping to get the all clear to run tomorrow, rest up for one more night then back into it Wednesday. Mrs. B cranked up a long run today in the cold - and is also doing very well at staying off the vino. Unlike me, who having felt sorry for themselves for the last week has enjoyed the odd tipple. Oh, why not?

Great news is that we are 50% of the way towards our goal of sponsor money. is a great idea and such an easy way to set up a sponsorship. Easy for everyone that is apart from Mrs B and I who still have to do the running bit.

Tech Update - CB has in the last 24 hours got the hang of MSN messenger and is emailing eveyone she knows (and some people she doesn't know) so be warned. And I have taken my rightful position back in the house of IT helpdesk manager.........


Will Burrard-Lucas said...

Wow... well done with the sponsorship. I haven't started yet! You've inspired me to get going though!

Bedders said...

Laura, that's what I was thinking!

MB - This easygiving website is so easy to use and such a good idea - means that while people have to give up front then at least there's no need to go and collect all the money afterwards. Good luck MB.