Monday, March 06, 2006

To hot to run

A hotel gym running machine 8km feels like about 15km normal running so I am claiming the latter on my training log after being bored out of my mind last night. Bored? how can people do the full training for a marathon indoors?. Mrs B will be pleased to hear that unlike in Holland, I was not asked to get off after half an hour. Tee hee.

Also sitting here, on business, in 24 degrees wall-to-wall sun, makes me thankful that I do not need to do a run at home today as it is snowing, sleeting and generally miserable in Voorschoten. I know this because Mrs. B told me as she was just about to brave the elements. More gym running tonight for me I suppose (well, it's too hot to run outside isn't it!), followed by an overnight flight back to the Arctic circle, previously known as Holland, tomorrow. Global Warming? more like global cooling if you ask me.


@GirishMallya said...

I used to earlier run indoors, except for the long run on Sunday. But for the last one year I have been running only on road. I still feel that running indoor is a piece of cake compared to running on tar or concrete roads, it takes much much more effort (esp. in Bombay, where the temperature is between 30-35 degreee celcius - mornings, with 80% humidity). Indoor is easier on the legs, but not good enough if you want to run a road marathon!!

Bedders said...

At 30-35 degrees, you have a very good excuse to run indoors! But how do you stop yourself becoming sucidal through boardem?! (not sure I have spelt that correctly, but the thought of running so much indoors has frazzled my brain). On a serious note, if you run outside in such temperatures, how can you possibly carry enough water to stop yourself becoming dehydrated?

@GirishMallya said...

Good question, I usually carry about 700ml with me, and another 200ml both with electral in it, if I am running anything close to 2hrs. And if its more than that, then I have to buy water on the way... And yes, I have started my blog as well and its already helping my motivation levels to run during the week..(and you get a good part of the credit for it).. Thanks, G

Bedders said...

girish - love your blog. I carry 500ml water but it's not so hot here (even so I had to stop last week and buy some more).