Saturday, December 17, 2005

Windy 10km

If anyone ever doubts why there are so many windmills in Holland then this morning would have been a perfect time to explain. Sooo windy mixed with a little bit of sleet and snow just to make it ever-more pleasant. It has to be said though that there is a great satisfaction in getting back home and into a warm shower after such a run. But it was moments like this that reminded me that one of the reasons I have not to this point entered a Spring marathon is that one has to train through the winter. Summer nights and running in shorts and t shirt seem a distant memory. It wasn't so long ago that my running partner and I were debating whether to go out early from our Sunday run so that we would not be running in the heat of the day! Oh, to have to make that decision today!!!

Sum total this week of kms is around 30km again. Long run tomorrow and assuming the weather is not blowing another gale will try for 14km before the serious stuff starts next week.

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