Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Phew - found it again......this is all rather weird but hope you like the "new look"!

I am not entirely sure what is going on here. But, suffice to say the Blog returns. I am no technical wizard, but I had a cut out for the last 24 hours. I am not running tonight as we have guests but to keep up with the program, here is yesterday's post that didn't seem to make it.

So, day two and I ran 6km tonight. Decided that my Tuesday night run would be run at pace - although I ran the distance tonight in 30:20 so hopefully I can do better than that after a few months training. I spent the first 10 mins of the run finding I had new aches and pains that previously did not exist (especially left ankle). I put that down to the fact that this is the first week and after a few mins all was nearly well again.

As most people who know me will tell you I am not found of dogs and they are the bain of runners. How many times has a dog bounded up to you when you are running, snarling and looking generally agressive only for the owner to appear from behind a bush with one of those zip-wire dog leads that don't work and a long plastic smelly thing that holds a ball, and say something like "oh, don't worry. He only wants to play" well go and play with someone else mate!!! Running in the dark just increases the fear of unwanted attention from a dog as the shadows play games and I swear tonight I saw at least half a dozen coming for me!

Next week Mrs B has accepted the offer to look after a friends' dog for a few days. Ah, how long as KB and CB walk it, talk to it and keep it way from me. I am sure it is a lovely animal but me and dogs do not see eye-to-eye. Some bright spark, dog owner type always says," ah, you see, that is the problem - they can sense you're scared of them and that's why they react in the way they do towards you" Too right I'm scared!!! Anyway, roll on next week. Cute pic of dog to follow.

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