Sunday, December 11, 2005

This is what a Christmas elf looks like (the one in the green!)

So, now you know. Following yesterday's post, here is KB looking pleased with herself after having seemingly successfully confused the lad in the bottom right of the picture!

True to form this Sunday morning CB woke up bright and early so it looks as if I might as well go for a run. 10km will do. Then relax in front of the fire this afternoon ................just what Sunday's were made for.


Cath Delaney said...

Did you do the run then..?

Bedders said...

Hi Cath - Yes!. The great thing about these weblogs (and I am still learning) is that once you put up your intention, you know that you just have to go through with it! So whilst it felt like 20km, it was only a measly 10...but the thought of running 4-and-a-bit of those in April is just not nice....

Cath Delaney said...

Yeah, but put the training in and it'll get easier!
