Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Just in case

This taper week feels like being in some kind of twilight zone. Sitting here at my desk, I really do not feel I am any fitter than when I started this London Marathon training program, although I have ran over 800km since December and used up around 85.000 calories. I have lost around 4kg in weight and look a bit trimmer, but, as I say sitting here, I do not feel fit. Hopefully when the start gun goes in 12 days time I will find out of course that I am in good shape. Actually I think I just feel tired.

I started to get my FLM kit ready last night. It takes me an age to get ready nowadays (not actually 12 days but damm near!) and I am sure that is a function of age. Why is that that the older you get, the more you seem to pack when going away "just in case"? Just in case it rains, just in case it is windy, just in case it's hot, just in case it becomes cold .........the list is endless. When I travel on business I can normally pack quickly and efficiently. Pack for myself and I am all over the place.

Family Bedders left early yesterday for a few weeks in UK. So as the house was quiet last night I dived into my LP collection which I probably do once a year. If you read this and do not know what an LP is then you are too young to be on such a site with such adult material. I won't embarass myself by telling here which LP's I played but I had an hour of so much fun. Well, on second thoughts I may do it again tonight and confess tomorrow.


beanz said...

come on tell......

we have a mountain of LPs and currently no turntable - really must get one again

I think we are all suffering taper madness - and I too will pack for every eventuality - but until my Mum has vacated the spare bed on Tuesday!

Bedders said...

OK. I have confessed.

I know what you mean - you do need lots of space and clear thinking time to lay out all the kit!