Sunday, August 27, 2006

A long weekend

10km yesterday and 17km this morning and so far so good. My old running partner NE turned up yesterday for a short weekend in Holland and it was great running with him again. Time just flies.

This morning was tougher - I am not used to running LSR's on my own and quite quickly get bored with having the same discussion with myself. Nevermind, next week is the Voorschoten Loop. KB is running the 2km, CB the 5km, Mrs. B the 10km and The Big B the 10 English Miles. So, a Bedders full house.

1 comment:

beanz said...

great getting all of you out to run

can't offer advice on the lonely LSR - I just have to get on with it too - can't do the ipod thing because I want to be aware of what is going on around me