Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Bedders World record attempt at the 800m - lightening assisted

It would have been comical if you had witnessed it as a spectator, but let me tell you tonight I ran my fastest km ever. Some athletes are drug assisted, some wind assisted but I was lightening assisted.

It was drizzling when I set this evening on a straightforward mid week run. Everything going to plan- nice low HR and averaging 5:10 for a km. Fine. But at 7km into the 8km run, the sky suddenly bacame as black as night and an almighty crack of thunder flew above me, well probably many kms above me, but nevertheless I did not feel like staying around to find out more. I flew as fast as I could for the last 800m back to Chez Bedders, along a tree lined road I hasten to add, in a Bedders record time of 4:20 for the last km. Mrs B opened the door to a breathless Bedders whose HR was 170 and probably still going up. CB knew things were bad and even came to the door with a glass of water (I must of sounded grim) before I could drag myself to the kitchen.

The Garmin graph of the run I downloaded looks hilarious. It is as if I took off like a rocket.

Then the heavens opened and I mean opened. Rain like I have not seen before. Goodness knows what we are doing to our planet with global warming and all that, but if I can't go out for a peaceful 8km in the evening then what is the world coming to?

1 comment:

@GirishMallya said...

Global warming is taking a huge toll. We have had floods in almost all parts of India, almost all the rivers in India are overflowing (well above the danger mark). If we don't stop abusing the environment, soon 5% of land mass would get submerged....