Sunday, August 20, 2006

Another box ticked

A 20km weekend - 8 km yesterday and 12 km today with another box ticked. I have run in a thunderstorm. It is as miserable as it seems - and you have an overiding feeling of just wishing you were anywhere but running. I know the chance of being hit by a lightening strike are small but it doesn't seem that way when you are out in it. Temptation is to find a dry place like under a tree.....
and wait till it passes.

The other point about running in the rain is that once you are wet, then you stay wet. In fact if it is possible to have degrees of being wet, then this morning I was extremely, very wet.

Still another 40km plus week so roll on two week time and the Voorschoten 10 miles.

1 comment:

beanz said...

runnign in the rain is fine - but yes, thunderstorms are scary

take care