Sunday, March 04, 2007

Knee still playing up

I have been very busy in the last week setting up the next phase of my working life so running has taken somewhat of a back seat in terms of my time. Even though Rotterdam is just 5-6 weeks away, I still have this niggling knee injury which I simply cannot diganose. So, the plan is to run just a few shorter distances this week, with the key aim being the 35 km long run in 3 weeks which will really give me a good idea if a sub 3:50 marathon time is possible or if I just treat Rotterdam as another marathon and spend my time enjoying it rather than putting pressure on myself

Today is the first long run (only 19km) that I am missing since the start of the training program so all is not lost. I'll run about 10 and see how I feel.

The 80km week really took it out of me!


@GirishMallya said...

Am sure things will fall in place in a couple of weeks, I faced a similar mistery knee injury during my Bombay marathon & it took a couple of weeks to get back to normal. The sub 3.50 time is definately on... Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

beanz said...
