Thursday, March 22, 2007


...for the last real long training run on a Sunday 3 weeks before the marathon is nearly worse than waiting for the real thing. I am doing a 35km run with the Rotterdam training teams somewhere south of where we live and just keep hoping that the weather picks up a bit. I just want to get it out of the way and then look forward to the taper which as people who know me understand, that's the bit of the training program I treat very seriously.

On yesterday's run I had it all - only 16km but had wind, rain, sun, sleet and horrible little hailstones pinging down on me from high.

Roll on Sunday. I just hope everyone remembers to put their clocks forward.

5km splits for the half marathon last week:

5km 26:24
10km 52:40 (26:16)
15km 1:18:48 (26:08)
20km 1:44:10 (25:22)

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