Sunday, April 29, 2007

A new craze

It would seem from various blogs I read that running in the middle of the night is now a craze sweeping running land. Put bluntly it seems that getting up at half past something in the middle of the night and going out for a run has caught on. Well not here in Holland it hasn't.

In fact this blog will be be advocating a return to normal with runners running exactly when they should do - mid morning ish, or early evening.

So, I am off out in about an hour after a nice leisurely get up for a 10 km to see if my muscles have fully recovered from Rotterdam.


beanz said...

so you should be back by now ......

Cath Delaney said...

By the middle of the night, I assume you mean 05:30am..?!?!


How did the leggies feel after the 10K. I'm resting today. Shakespeare was hard work!

Bedders said...

Indeed - middle of the night.

I have to say that I am giving myself a full 3 weeks off. I ran 20km last week and to be honest I need a longer rest than I thought. I have a bit of traveling coming up so I'll take the chance to kick back.

Shakespeare sounded like hard work as well!

beanz said...

rest well

there's plenty of time

(26 weeks I believe)

@GirishMallya said...
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@GirishMallya said...

Middle of the night is quite fun actually (if you can manage the stray dogs!), and its a good variation.... something to spice up things. Plus a great way to beat the heat, global warming is creating havoc, many parts of India are facing temps of over 40c, highest being 47, and the summer has just begun. So I guess its no longer going to be just another fad.....

Cath Delaney said...

Shakespeare was alright actually. Wouldn't have completed it without Ms Womble of course or the Mr.


I had a bad attack of missing mojo in early February - for about 3-4 weeks so I think I did fairly well considering..!!