Wednesday, April 04, 2007

12 days to go

I cancelled my physio appointment as the calf is much better and I couldn't find any other injury for him to deal with. Which is a result. However, the only problem I now have is a slight cold and cough which has 12 days to get out of my system. Lots of vitamin C seems to have helped. I am sure I will be fine.

I have broken one of my pre marathon rules this week in that I travelled abroad by plane (back to UK). I guess I am a little paranoid but always seem to sit next to or in front of, someone who seems to have the beginnings of Bird Flu. Short of using one of those Japanese face covers that they all seem to wear I just spent the whole flight trying to not breath. Tricky and not to be advised.

Anyway, back home now in the sterile environment of Chez Bedders - and still tapering although I have to run 10km tonight.

Thanks for all the kind wishes in the last post - day 2 and I am still in business.......but I will not be blogging it here as this must stay a non business blog. Maybe I'll open up another one under an assumed name.....


beanz said...

four posts - must be some kind of record!!

just checked and I see there is a strong elite field for Sunday - make sure you live up to your reputation

Bedders said...

Why write four times when you can just write once and publish four times! Bizarre. I am already looking forward to meeting up with my Kenyian mates!

beanz said...

so a week into the new business and all ok I assume