Monday, April 16, 2007

A tale of two halves

Well, here it is. There's a prize for anyone who can tell me at what point I decided enough was enough, finishing itself would be a triumph and then enjoyed a water stop like you would never believe (clue: work out my 20km to half marathon time).

5km 27:21
10km 45:07 (26:46)
15km 1:22:27 (28:20)
20km 1:52:37 (30:10)
half 2:00:51
25km 2:26:32 (33:55)
30km 3:03:59 (37:27)
35km 3:39:42 (35:33)
40km 4:16:37 (37:05)
finish 4:31:47

I know it might sound a bit strange bearing in mind I should have been putting in each 5km at less than 28:00, but I am actually quite proud of these spilts. You simply had to be there to understand how difficult it was (not helped by the police and marshalls stopping me run every so often in the last 12km).


@GirishMallya said...

I truly apprecaite the effort involved in the run and am very happy with the effort you have put in.
I was so eager to catch the PM report, that I caught your blog on the mobile and am now responding from a desktop. And it was amazing read.... Enjoy the victory (and have an extra glass of red wine on my behalf!)

@GirishMallya said...

How come you get so many splits, the marathons i have participated in, bearly give 3-4 splits (or are they from your Polar?)

Anonymous said...

Girish - many thanks for your kind words. You of all people know the pain of running in extreme heat. The splits are taken from the mats - we ran with ChampionChips and there were mats every 5 km. Most marathons here have this system.

Anonymous said...

ps I am drinking that extra glass now as I blog!

beanz said...

went off a bit fast there ;>)

well done (again)

sue said...

An incredible effort - well done!