Friday, April 13, 2007

Got the number

Just come back from the Rotterdam expo (pretty small affair actually) and have my number. It's always quite exciting I think getting in line and collecting your marathon number.

So, with no sign of temperatures falling it's out with the sunglasses and drink every 5km. In fact the organisers have added two drink posts towards the end (so every 2.5km in last 10 km) and two shower units in the last 10km. Now being in Holland, these sound fun! So plenty to distract me.

Thanks to everyone for their advice and help (esp G. via email).

Back blogging Sunday pm.


@GirishMallya said...

You are always welcome. Best wishes.

sue said...

Hope it went ok. These temperatures are really odd for the time of year. I suspect there were a few people unprepared out there today.

Bedders said...

elle - it was a freak. The heat was totally unbearable. No breeze and very difficult to breath. They had no choice but to cancel it.

In fairness to the organisers they were excellent throughout the race. You have never sen water stations like it!!! I'd love to see their water bill.

Bedders said...

ps I did finish - and did the whole 42.2km!!!

So many people simply were not prepared. And even I had trained so well it still was impossible.