Saturday, December 30, 2006

How old are you?

This new Goggle inspired blog making program is pretty good. The only thing they seem to have not quite cracked yet is getting the age of the blogger correct.

I see in my "complete profile" that I am 250 years old. Even if I say so myself, I am looking pretty good for someone of so many years. Roll on my 251st birthday in February.


beanz said...


I've now moved over - its good innit

Anonymous said...

I am surprised actually how easy it is. How long before they try and charge for it though?

beanz said...

mm - I can't see hwo they make money, as we don't have advertising on ours

maybe enough people do include the ads?

@GirishMallya said...

Congrats on making the successful transition. I am now getting the confidence to experiment as well. I hope the adsense program integrates well with it.
Wishing you a very happy new year and a sub 3.50hr time in the new year!! Enjoy....