Tuesday, December 26, 2006

All that hard work

Two days of Christmas eating and drinking and the weight goes up to above 80kg for the first time since.....last Christmas. The good news is that I have been able to complete a good two weeks of training so training week three, which is by chance a step back week is going to have to be a step up week for me if I am going to get rid of the excess.

Garmin update. Just when I need it it dies on me. Completely dead. So it's going back to Sweatshop in Reading to hopefully be exchanged for a new one. It irriates me somewhat that reading the Runners World threads on this topic, that Garmin seem to know that there is a problem with the 305's - but in true fashion, are still selling them without so much of a word of warning. If I thought about this too much I would get quite angry.

So I won't. Instead I'll go for a long Boxing Day run.


@GirishMallya said...

Merry Christmas and wishing you a veyr happy new year. Enjoy your boxing day run....

beanz said...

Happy Christmas!

Sorry about the garmin - did you have all the data off it?

Bedders said...

Hi B. Actually I did as I used to download after every run to my PC. But just as I start the marathon training when I really need it then it goes. Typical. I can just see them making a fuss about changing it as I do not have the receipt - then you will really see me in my true colours!