Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's Rotterdam in April

Decision made. After hearing from a colleague of mine who had trained for New York, bought a place via a travel compnay and then two weeks before the run fell injured and failed to make the start line, I have decided that if I do not get the place at FLM then I will run Rotterdam Marathon in April.

There are a few more good reasons:
  1. It will cost me 38 Euros to book a place - not 800 Euros itwould for FLM
  2. If I get injured, then can't run, all is not lost.
  3. Mrs. B, KB and CB can come an support me as it is only 15km away from where we live
  4. My training partner has gone to UK and so I am not sure if I have the full motivation to train on my own for a marathon during the winter. Best to find this out before I commit to spending vast amounts of cash on a place in London
  5. As my times are (still) getting quicker, best to get a quick course in for a PB before age catches up with me and the Rotterdam course is supposedly as flat as a pancake
  6. I haven't yet run Rotterdam and it is reckoned to be OK with around 20.000 runners and plenty of drink stations


beanz said...

looks like a sensible decision - though I was hoping to see you in London :<(

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd read, and listened, to it some months before.

I've now lost lots of money by not going to NY whilst I have fantastic marathons 'around the corner.

Anonymous said...

your decision makes complete sense. Rotterdam is a very good option.

Aren't there any blackmarket seats, being auctioned on Ebay by individuals?? Isn't there a way to negotiate with the travel company and just buy the seat instead of the package, what if he has unsold inventory towards the end(does he auction it off on his site or something like ebay)????