Saturday, February 10, 2007

30km to a holiday

30 km to run tomorrow in weather predicted to be windy, rainy and cold, then an 11 hour flight to Thailand for a week's holiday. I guess it's called taking the rough-with-the-smooth. No running next week but plently of swimming.

Back in a week.


@GirishMallya said...

The change in weather (snow to tropical heat) is going to be more difficult than the long flight after the long run tonight!!
Do check out the two malls in Bangkok - CenterWorld and Siam paragon (my personal fav is Paragon), assuming you are spending time in the city.
Have a great holiday...

Anonymous said...

I can tell you now having landed that an 11 hour flight in coach class after a 30km run is not to be recommended. Thanx for the advice as we have a day for shopping planned in BK