Wednesday, August 05, 2009

IMCH race report from RW site - part 3

Run - well the first 10km was a run. Felt OK if totally sick of gels and flapjacks. The second lap and things started to go wrong. I felt sick and hungary at the same time. My legs had zero energy left in them and my mind was starting to play little games like "don't worry only 30km to go........". Mid way through lap 2 Kanga overtook me - then 3 mins later I over took him and this happened about 3 times before we decided that we may as well run together. Kanga's words were "slow and steady"...........and for the next 25km that's what we did. Living and eating off dried aprictots and soup as that was all my stomach could take. Barley joined us for about 2 laps and the three of us kept each other going. The support from the Pirates was superb. Guys - you were just brilliant. Major, Gordon (my sherpa), Oxy and the rest at Crazy Station were awesome and the Pirates at the end shute were just so motivational it was tear jerking stuff. With about 2km to go and Barley asking us if we would like to do another lap with him to keep him company (no thanks mate) we joined up with Cougie and Crashie (I think sorry guys if this is wrong as my mind was playing games at this point) and the four of us entered the finishing shute. A conga to the finish. I dropped back a bit as it was a very emotional moment for me. I had been playing this moment over and over in my mind for a year. Like everyone there, all the hard training, moments of doubt, up and down times in the last 12 months replayed through my head in the 200m to the finish. There to see me were FB (many thanks again mate for your wonderful mentoring) and Petal, TB and so many others. Finally my sherpa Gordon who was nothing short of exceptional the whole day. A finish time of 13:11:18

And to you, the Pirates. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. You made us newies most welcome before, during and after the event. I feel that this is just the beginning. All over the course supporters from all different countries were shouting "come on Pirates" - you seem to have really made an impact and i was proud to be part of it. Till the next time - see you all in Roth 2010

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