After recovering from Sunday's 18km, I went back out yesterday for 6km to be followed tonight by a somewhat quicker 8km. The heart rate monitor is a great distraction but very difficult to read when it is raining and pitch black at night. Handy therefore that you can rely on the irritating beeping noise that lets you know when you are over the zone.
Made the fatal mistake of weighing myself last night and could not believe that I had put on nearly 2kg since late November. So, between now and April I have to loose around 5kg - that will get me to about 1kg lower than my Chicago weight. I was hoping for a little lower but unless I starve myself between now and then I cannot see how I can lose more than 5kg in the time left. And even that seems tough.
The fund raising is about to start and over the next few weeks I will be contacting everyone I know to see if they can help me and Mrs. B raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Trust (CF). Every Euro will help.
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